Email Marketing for Durand Family Farm

We configured a new Drip account and designed an email newsletter template for this farm located in Spooner, Wisconsin. Drip is fully integrated with the custom GrazeCart website we redesigned for this family farm, so all subscribers that sign up through the site will automatically flow into Drip.

Drip is a fantastic tool for marketing to your farm’s existing customers and contacts, and it’s especially important for any farm that sells online. When configured correctly, Drip increases your online sales with automated emails for different scenarios: customers who haven’t ordered for a while; customers who started adding items to their cart but didn’t finish checking out; new contacts who haven’t ordered yet; and many more detailed scenarios.

More email & SMS for farms

Sarah Highlen

Grapevine Local Food Marketing serves farms, local food businesses, & ⁠
food non-profits everywhere.⁠

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